Thursday, April 11, 2013

Connecting with Our Community

Our church youth group decided that their focus for 2013 would be to enter into a deeper relationship with folks who live at the nearby Southgate Apartmentswhere many children attending Pinewood Elementary School live. The church has formed great relationships with the children and teachers through mentoring, tutoring, summer camps, backpack ministry, and more.

Our first endeavor was Sunday, April 7, led by Richard Smith, Director of Student Ministries. We sponsored a cookout, with games and crafts. The apartment manager was so excited that she provided a bounce house for the children and set up volleyball games. Our youth were joined by many adults to help with the activities and to develop friendships. We were met by around 75 adults and children from the apartments ranging in all ages!

It was an awesome afternoon of building relationships across multiple cultures, languages, and neighborhoods! The unifying factor = the love of God.

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